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Ockwells Marine & Sustainability

Ockwells Marine is committed to improving the sustainability of our business and its operations to reduce our impact on the environment. Through our ISO 20400 sustainable procurement strategy and aspirations to develop and introduce more environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions, Ockwells ongoing sustainability programme has already delivered several key achievements:

We have replaced the use of virgin polymers in the manufacture of many of our temporary protection products with recycled materials

We continually seek to increase the use of recycled materials in our existing and new products going forward

A large proportion of our products are fully recyclable at the end of their life cycle, providing a more sustainable source of material for the manufacture of new products and reducing material going to landfill

Many of our products have been developed to be reusable multiple times

All products which are made from/contain recycled material, are reusable, and are recyclable are clearly marked in our literature

Use of protection materials reduces the likelihood of damage and the need for replace-ment of products which typically have a higher environmental impact in their manufacture than the protection materials

Where possible we have reduced the amount of packaging used in our products

All Ockwells literature is electronic – no paper used
All branches moving over to electric forklift trucks
In process of moving over to all electric/hybrid cars
Supply Chain Sustainability School – Gold Status member

ISO 14001 Environmental Management certified